Chapter 15

ATITLEPAGE ~Lauren’s P.O.V. ~Screenshot-65  Ever since Kyle left, I watched Penelope retreat into herself a little, but mostly she threw herself into her garden. I think she was trying to store up as much food before the babies all came. Speaking of, she began showing waaay before I did. Surprise surprise. I tried to help her out as much as I could, especially with the indoor chores, so that it would free up her time to work in the garden.  Screenshot-69 I was usually the one who put the twins to bed nowadays. Connor and Ava were beginning to talk, so it was fun hearing what they tried to say. “Goodnight, Connor,” I whispered. He looked up at me with his light eyes, “Nie-night, Ti Worreh”(Aunti Lauren). I chuckled and went off to find his mischievous sister, but not before kissing him on the forehead. Screenshot-71 I laid her down, “Goodnight, Ava.” She gave me a big grin and stuck her thumb in her mouth as she laid back. I guess she didn’t feel like talking much tonight. I didn’t blame here. Screenshot-82 I cleared the dinner dishes and loaded them in the sink. I was simultaneously keeping an eye on Penelope out in the garden. I worried about her every now and then, like any sister would. I worried that I would be left to care for the twins and possibly triplets. I also worried that she was working too hard and the triplets might come early. Needless to say, I’m a worrier. Screenshot-85 Penelope interrupted my musings by giving me a big hug, just like when I told her I was pregnant. “I am so proud of you., Lauren.” She said as she put her hands on my shoulders. I ducked my head shyly, unsure of what to do with this unexpected compliment.Screenshot-83 Suddenly, she put her hands on my stomach. “You’ve got a little bump coming in now, huh?” I nodded again and giggled, “That tickles a little.”Screenshot-84 She smiled at me and I nodded toward her stomach, “May I?” She laughed, “Laur, you don’t need to ask my permission. Just go for it.” Gently I pressed my hands to her stomach. I wasn’t sure how much pressure to use but it became easier, the longer I held my hands there. After a few moments Penny yawned, “I..think I’m going hit the hay.” I nodded, “I’m just gonna finish up these dishes and then I’ll join you. Screenshot-76 As soon as Penny left the room my phone began to buzz. I answered but the line was all crackly, “Hello?……Hello?”


“Yes, this is she.”

and just like that, the line cleared up and I could hear every word.

“Great! This is Wendy from Channel 5 Reality News. We would like to offer you a job.”

Screenshot-75 I dropped my phone in excitement and scrambled to pick it up again, “Um.. yes..I accept. Wait, how did you get my number?”

“Your brother works with my husband down in the police department. He said, you’d be a good hire.”

I silently thanked Kyle before listening to Wendy explain the job description.

Screenshot-86 After I hung up, I jumped into bed with Penny(It was awfully chilly outside, so we were sharing a bed to conserve heat). “Pen,” I whispered as I shook her awake. “Hmm..Whaaa?” Then before I could even say anything she sat straight up, “Is it the baby? Are you okay?”  I laughed, “Guess what! I got a job!A good job with benefits and everything! Wendy from Channel 5 needs a personal assistant in the afternoons, its full time pay and everything. we’re gonna be okay!” She gave me a big hug and said, “It’s not on you to support this family y’know?” I nodded,”But what if I want to?” She hugged me again and we both laid down our head and talked until we both fell asleep. Screenshot-88 My new job made my life seem busier. So, before I knew it I was in my last trimester! One day after school, I had a rare day off from work.I was waiting for the bus to come when I heard the unmistakable shrill of the school’s most popular mean girl from around the corner. “Oooh, look at what Hannah, is wearing? Didn’t you hear? Stripes aren’t meant to be worn if you’re fat!” I could hear laughter coming from around her posse, I assumed. I had heard enough. I marched around the corner, and sure enough, there was Tiffany Worthington. “Leave her alone, Tiffany.” She sneered at me, “Come on, girls, let’s leave the two fatties to themselves.” Screenshot-89 I walked up tentatively to the other girl. “Hey, are you okay?” She looks at me and wipes her eyes, “*sniffs* yeah. I’ll be alright. Thanks for coming to my rescue.” Screenshot-90 Before I know what’s happening, she pulls me into a warm friendly hug, just like Penny does. I laugh and say, “I’m Lauren,” She smiles, “I’m Hannah.” Screenshot-91 We hang around school and talk about everything, from  what classes we have, to our mutual dislike of Tiffany. “So how long have you lived in Bridgeport?” I asked. She laughs, “We moved here last month but it’s hard being the new fat girl y’know?.” Screenshot-92 I chuckled and gesture to my ever-growing stomach, “I don’t think I’m in the position to judge.” She nods understandingly and we spend the next hour discussing my pregnancy.  Screenshot-94 She holds out her hand, “May I?” I nodded encouragingly, and her hands touch my belly. As soon as she touches me, baby girl foes wild, kicking and punching and moving. Screenshot-95 She looks up into my eyes, “Is she always so wiggly?” I shake my head, “This is the most she has moved in a while. She kicks and shifts but never this much.” We laugh and I swear, she is semi flirting with me, but I can never tell. I am too happy with this brand new friendship, that I don’t want to spoil it by making it awkward. Screenshot-99We spend the next few weeks, while I was growing more and more pregnant and uncomfortable, cruising around town, and just hanging out. I have definitely found a new friend.