Liebster Award.


I was unexpectedly nominated for a Liebster award by AtlasSims. It was the first time I had heard about it, so I will explain: The Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to show their appreciation for their favorite blogs. Kind of a pay-it-forward type thing. So there are apparently rules for receiving this award haha and they are:

1. Post the award on your blog.

2. Thank the blogger who nominated you.

3. Nominate 5-11 bloggers whom you feel deserve this award. (they must have less than 3000 followers)

4. Answer 11 questions posed by the nominator.

So again big thank you to AtlasSims. You should totally check out her legacy:

The people I would nominate would have to be:

1. blamsart’s You Name It, I’ll Pose It! (

They have helped me so much in writing my own story, if you need a pose and can’t find it on the internet, they will make a custom posepack just for you and in record time too! So check em out!

2. serendeppity’s Danevbie Legacy (

She takes you on a whole roller coaster of emotions with the Danevbie family and continues to make you laugh whilst doing so.

3. annasims’ This Little Bluebird legacy/story (

This is an intense drama about a small family who is struggling and through each generation, they all have to overcome something. It’s REALLY good!!

Now I could only think of four because everyone else had already been nominated so I hope the blogger gods forgive me :p

4. Sims Stories by Martoele.

She is an amazing author who has someone help her translate her stories from German(?) to English. Her English versions are on her facebook page(the link listed above) and then her German stories are here:

Answering AtlasSims Questions:

1. If I could be any character from a book/movie I would probably want be so many people…but if I have to narrow it down, it would be……..Emma Swan from Once Upon A Time. I don’t think I can describe how in love with that show I am!

2.  My favorite part about blogging, is taking the screenshots and pictures in the sims. I love setting up the poses and getting the angle just right and I can actually feel like it is legitimately happening in game.

3.  I think it would be cool to live in Isla Paradiso, as long as the glitches and lags didn’t happen in real life lol

4. Funniest things to happen to me whilst simming? hmmmmmmm….. too many? haha okay so I have this newer legacy that I created a few weeks ago, and the man is trying to earn his way up the political career right? Well his wife gives birth to twins and for the next few nights they don’t get much sleep. Fast forward to the end of the work day, I realize he was so tired, he didn’t change of his pajamas to go to work. So there he was in all his boxer glory coming out of work.

5. Hmmmm…..I’m not really sure, if there was something that bothered me so much then it wouldn’t be my favorite.

6. You guys! I get really discourage by my writing and simming and then I’ll have a new comment pop up and then inspiration strikes!

7. Hawaii!

8. ummm ice cream…..duhhhhh. Is that even a question? lol

9. Windows!

10. Yes, but not because I’m anal or uptight. I think there should only be like 5 or 6 questions becausse these are taking forever! Haha and I mean that in the best way! 🙂

11. I really appreciate all of the feedback that you, and all of my other commenters have done. I am so blessed. And (drumroll please!) there WILL be a sequel to One Step At A Time!

My Questions For Y’all!

I’m only going to ask 6 questions(because it’s midnight and I need to study for finals so please bear with me!)

1. How long have you played the Sims?

2. What gave you inspiration for your blog/story?

3. What is your favorite aspect of the sims? (it could be sims 1,2,3 or 4)

4. What is your favorite trait in the sims 3?

5. If you could be any in-game townie of Sunset Valley, who would you be?

6. How often do you play the sims for fun rather than blogging/story telling?

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