Chapter 17

graphic_image_warningscreenshot-95 **Check out the New Cover Picture!!!**

Penelope’s P.O.V.

Screenshot-122  So far, this week has been more than exciting. I mean just moment’s after Lauren delivered, I started going into early labor. Fortunately, we were able to put a stop to the contractions and now I’m on bed-rest. I feel bad for Lauren, having to help me with the twins and still recovering from childbirth, but luckily she has Hannah, who is a big help around the house.   Screenshot-123  I never thought of myself as a restless person, but I can’t seem to stay still for long. It happens to be a big bummer when you’re supposed to put your feet up all day. I’m just so huge these days, I can’t stay in one position for very long.  My latest project is redoing the twins’ room for their upcoming birthday. Screenshot-124 Lauren has been helping me but I can tell that she is tired. Luckily I am almost finished. Today I am just working on dusting sand light cleaning. It’s one of the rare moments when I have the house to myself. So you can imagine my surprise when a voice comes from behind me, “You’re not supposed to be up.” Screenshot-127 I turn around and the sight of my husband is a refreshing scene. But it only lasts a second. I put up my guard before he can hurt me again. “What are you doing here? Better yet, why are you here?” Screenshot-126  He steps closer to me but when I lean back a little I think he gets the hint. He puts his hand on his necks and looks down sheepishly. “I don’t know, Pen. I miss you. I miss the kids. I haven’t been doing so good without you.” I just look at him, subtly drinking in his features, “Well, to be honest. I can’t really trust you anymore. You’re still a flight risk in my books, so forgive me if I’m a little distant.”Screenshot-130  He nods, “I understand. I plan on making it up to you. I swear to you, Penny. I’m here for good. Do you know what brought me back?” I shake my head and he scoops me into his arms and lean us against the foot of the bed, “I was expecting to miss you and Lauren, but I realized I also missed the twins just as much. When that occurred to me, I thought to myself, If you love them so much and they’re not a biological relation, then how much are you going to love having biological kids. Don’t get me wrong, Pen, Ava and Connor are my kids but I can’t wait to meet ALL of these babies.”Screenshot-131  I wrapped my arms around him and I let myself cry for the first time in weeks. When I can finally catch my breath I whisper, “I haven’t let myself admit how much I’ve missed you until now.” Kyle looks at me and says, “I was such a jerk, Penny, I will understand if you don’t want me back, but please, let me be a part of these kids’ lives.” Screenshot-132  I wrap my arms tighter around him, “We ALL want you back.” He smiles and we stay like that for ages. He sits up straighter, “I forgot to tell you! I know how unhappy you’ve been since we moved here, I was staying with a buddy of mine in Moonlight Falls and I happened upon this cute little cottage. If we sell this place, we can afford the monthly rent. Plus, I started a job in the marketing field.” I nodded, trying to take it all in. “Can we move after the babies are born? I just don’t feel up to looking for a new doctor at this point.” He nodded, “As you wish, my Queen.”

Kyle’s P.O.V.

Screenshot-133  The next week or so after I returned were filled with transition. I was lucky that the twins still remembered me. I still hugged and kissed them whenever I go the chance.Screenshot-134  “Today’s a special day, Buddy.” I said to Connor, “It’s your birthday! Let’s go blow out your candles.” He clapped his hands excitedly as I carried him outside. Screenshot-135  I handed him over to Penelope, who was only supposed to be out here for a few minutes before going back into bed. Screenshot-136  We started singing and cheering as Connor and Penelope blew out his candle together,Screenshot-137  Okay, I might have gotten a little too into it, but hey, i was just excited to be back.Screenshot-140  I watched Connor stand up, as the sparkles surrounded him, I thought I saw a flicker of a grimace flash across Penny’s face, but I didn’t read too much into it. I figured she was just feeling emotional.Screenshot-141  Before I knew it, Connor stood before me as the cutest little kid. He was obsessed with making faces so that no one could snap his picture. I reached across the table to give him a high five. Screenshot-142  “All right, Miss Ava,” Penny said in a sing-song voice,”Your turn!” Screenshot-143  The love Penelope has for her kids is an amazing thing to watch. I sighed and then realized I was missing it all
Screenshot-145  Ava stood up sand embraced the birthday sparkles, giggling all the while. 
Screenshot-147  She grew into the most beautiful little girl you had ever met. Though I might be partially biased. ” Cake time!” cried Lauren but a shout from Penelope, froze us in our tracks.Screenshot-148  “Kyle,” she said desperately, “I think my water just broke.” We all rushed around, grabbing things for her to take with her to the hospital.Screenshot-149  “Go,” Lauren said, “I’ll stay with the kids and Hannah can bring us all by later.”

Penelope’s P.O.V.

Screenshot-155 When we got to the hospital, the head nurse at the desk said, “I’m sorry, Ma’am. There no other rooms except for the private birthing suites. We can upgrade it for you. Free of charge.” I nodded my head swiftly as another contraction seized me. We were led to the opposite wing of the hospital. The room was huge with our own private bathtub if we wanted to use it during labor. When I was all situated, Kyle brought the kids in to see me. “Hi, Babies,” I said, “Mommy’s gonna have her babies pretty soon. Isn’t that exciting?”Screenshot-154They both nodded their heads excitedly when I was seized with a huge contraction. The biggest one yet. Kyle was frozen in his place, his eyes growing bigger and bigger. “Kids, go out in the hall and send in Aunty Lauren okay?” I managed to get out while clenching my teeth. “Mommy loves you!” I called to them as they left the room.
Screenshot-150  The minute they left, I laid down and panted, trying to catch my breath. Kyle came over to me but the second he held my hand, his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell. Screenshot-152 “Lauren!” I practically screamed, “Help him.” I took deep breaths, focusing on finishing this contraction and as soon as it passed, I turned towards Kyle, “Are you alright , Kyle?” He nodded weakly. I smiled at him and I said, “Will you help me into the tub?” and together I change and get ready to enter the tub.Screenshot-159  I stand up once I am changed, and I laugh at how immodest this is. Before I had kids, I would have never had walked around without any shorts on. I stand and survey the three empty hospital bassinets that lay  before me. I can’t wait to meet these little people. Screenshot-161  I head towards the tub but another contraction curls around me before I can get in, rendering me completely useless. At this point, I probably sound like a wild animal, or a dying one at least,. I am groaning these deep guttural groans,that actually seem to help release some of the tension in my body. Screenshot-162  As soon as it passes, I am in the tub in the blink of an eye. I have asked Kyle to join me so that he can help massage away some of my contractions. We sit there, enjoying the warmth of the water and how much different it is to be in the tub. Kyle is kissing me when the next contraction hits……hard.Screenshot-163  “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh…………..Kyle, why?” He looks up from massaging me, “Why what?” I am screaming now because it hurts so much, “Why would you do this to me!?!?!?!” Before he can even form an answer to that question, I scream louder, if that were possible, “I need to push! I really need to push! Kyle, get me to the bed.”Screenshot-166  Kyle does just that and I reach for the nurse’s button. A doctor comes in but she’s not my doctor. “Who are you? “I say impatiently,(I couldn’t help it…it really hurt), “I am going to be delivering your baby…er..babies today. Dr.Oakley is out sick today.” I nod and just accept this. There’s no use fighting it really. The doctor then proceeds to check me and sure enough, I am 10 cm dilated and ready to roll…er…push. “Okay,” the doctor says calmly, “On your next contraction you are going to push and Kyle is going to count to 10.” I pushed…..and pushed….and pushed. Screenshot-165 Finally, there was some good news! “Okay, baby’s head is approaching. On this next push give me short, fast breaths.” I nod determinedly and follow orders, before long, I am handed a beautiful screaming baby boy! I am able to enjoy him for a few minutes before another contraction hits me again. Screenshot-167  The nurses take him and hand him to Kyle, while I begin to push and scream.

Kyle’s P.O.V.

Screenshot-168  It hurts me to see my wife in so much pain, but standing here holding my new son, I know that she would agree that it is completely worth it.  I watch as pushes over and over until the nurse puts a screaming red baby girl on her chest! A boy and a girl! Now for the tiebreaker, I can’t help but think. But, before all of the fun starts again, I watch the nurse’s face register something on the monitors and she pulls the doctor aside. Screenshot-169 The doctor stands before me and Penny, “I am afraid the third baby’s cord has prolapsed, which is leading to fetal hypoxia. We need to get you on the Operating table right away. As soon as she says this, I see a nurse give Penelope a shot in her spine and the wheel her into the corner of the private suite. With curtains drawn, I hear everything that is going on. I smell all of the smells, and just as I think I am going to faint, I hear, “Baby C is born at 8:47 p.m. And we all wait for the cry of a newborn…………………………..

Chapter 16


Lauren’s P.O.V.~Screenshot-116Now that Penny and I were both heavily pregnant, there was no room for us in her bedroom. So this week I worked on fixing up the basement. I had my own kitchen/living room  and then baby and I will share a room. With three more weeks to go, I was pleased to have finished. That night I fell into a contented sleep.
Screenshot-118  Around 2 a.m. I woke up from a terrible nightmare, drenched in sweat. Really vivid dreams are just one of the many side effects of being pregnant. I was about to lay down, when I realized I had wet the bed. This too, was more and more common since I had gotten pregnant. Screenshot-119  I gave a big sigh and started to get up to change the seats when a pain like no other that I have felt, shot straight up from my hips to my spine. I cried out and clenched my sheets. I have never felt anything so awful, but just as quickly as it had started, it was gone. Screenshot-120 I stood up and began to change my sheets, when it hit me: I hadn’t wet the bed. My water had broken! I sat back down and counted the minutes until the next contraction. Sure enough, seven minutes later, I was hit with another one, but this time, I was prepared for it. It lasted 15 seconds, and I did my deep breaths while it happened. The second it ended, I called Hannah and asked her to come, she said that she was on her way. The next move I made was up the stairs. I walked into Penny’s room and shook her gently, “Pen, Get up. My water broke.” She mumbled something incomprehensible and rolled onto her side, which is not easy to do when you’re 32 weeks pregnant with triplets.” I didn’t have the heart to wake her up, when I knew the twins would do that for me early next morning, or I guess, this morning.

Screenshot-103 I went into the kitchen and left Penny a note: Water broke @2 a.m. Hannah took me to the hospital. Tried to wake you. Love, Lauren. After that I waited out front for Hannah, whilst dealing with another contraction. I hugged her the moment I saw her and we made our way to the hospital. We got all checked in and they left us to our own. Hannah climbed up next to me and put her arms around me. “Can you believe that in a few short hours, you are going to become a mom?” I shook my head, “I’m not even ready to deliver…” I began listing off all of the things I still had on my pre-baby to do list. Screenshot-102 Before she could say anything, a contraction hit me, and this one was a doozy. I sat up and tried to get comfy, but it just didn’t work. I finally laid back in Hannah’s arms, moaning and whimpering until the pain subsided, we stayed like this for a good three hours, until Penny came rushing in. “What were you thinking?” She nearly yelled. I shrugged my shoulders, “I tried to wake you, Pen, but you just went back to sleep. My water had broken, so I knew I needed to get to the hospital, but you don’t need to worry, the nurse just checked me and I’m still only six centimeter dilated.” She sighed and gave me a big hug, “Well I am glad I didn’t miss anything huge. Hannah, thank you for being here for her, when I wasn’t. You can go home now if you want.” I shook my head and started to protest but a huge contraction spasmed my body.  Screenshot-101 This one lasted a,long time, and I could not get comfortable again. Finally, I hit the nurse button, and I asked them to help me get comfortable. She showed Hannah and Penny how to get me up on my knees, to lengthen my abdomen and release pressure. I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself. This new position helped me get through the contractions without an epidural, and the three of us were able to handle at least six more contractions before the nurse came in and said, to get ready to push because I had made it to 10 centimeters. Screenshot-104  The doctor came in shortly before my next contraction hit, which wasn’t that long. I pushed and pushed but it felt like we had made no progress. I sat against the edge of the bed with Hannah supporting my back and Penny holding my hand. After 30 minutes of pushing, I began to get irritable. After the next contraction ended, I was sweaty, and tired, and grumpy, I snapped at Hannah to not crowd me so much, and I felt bad immediately, but before I could apologize she slipped out from behind me, and was in the chair in the corner. I looked over at her, but she winked at me before I could say anything.Screenshot-105 Waves of contractions hit me, giving me thirty seconds at most to catch my breath. “I can’t do this anymore,” I cried out. Penny rubbed my back and gave me a drink of water. The doctor nodded at me encouragingly, “Only a few more pushes and then I think we’ll start to see her head.”   Screenshot-106  That was more than enough to brighten me. I pushed as hard as I could on the next contraction”Oooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Aughhhhhhhh. Owowowowow.” “Oh look! There’s her head!” Cried the doctor. Penny said, “Oh wow! Lauren, you are doing great!” I nodded, and smiled while I caught my breath. Screenshot-107 I heard the doctor say, “Okay, Lauren, on this next contraction, you’ll pant like a dog and give short small pushes.” Sure enough a few seconds later, I was panting and pushing again and before I knew the doctor placed a squirming baby girl on my chest.

~Penelope’s P.O.V.~

Screenshot-108  I don’t know whats wrong with me, I can’t stop crying at the sight of Lauren holding her new baby. Ok, so it might be this whole pregnancy thing, but still, I’m a teary mess.  Screenshot-109  I just know that she is going to be a great mom, by the way she looks at her. This is the happiest I have seen her in months. It’s times like this I wished Kyle was around. Screenshot-110  I held out my arms, and Lauren placed the baby in them,. I snuggled her close, enjoying the sweet smell of a newborn. “So what are you going to name her?” I asked. Lauren smiled contentedly before saying, “I think I I really like the name Karly Noel Starch.” I gasped, “That’s beautiful! I love it”Screenshot-111 I snuggled her close, “Baby Karly,” I whispered. But then, a pain shot up my back and squeezed my middle. Uh oh…………………..

Chapter 15

ATITLEPAGE ~Lauren’s P.O.V. ~Screenshot-65  Ever since Kyle left, I watched Penelope retreat into herself a little, but mostly she threw herself into her garden. I think she was trying to store up as much food before the babies all came. Speaking of, she began showing waaay before I did. Surprise surprise. I tried to help her out as much as I could, especially with the indoor chores, so that it would free up her time to work in the garden.  Screenshot-69 I was usually the one who put the twins to bed nowadays. Connor and Ava were beginning to talk, so it was fun hearing what they tried to say. “Goodnight, Connor,” I whispered. He looked up at me with his light eyes, “Nie-night, Ti Worreh”(Aunti Lauren). I chuckled and went off to find his mischievous sister, but not before kissing him on the forehead. Screenshot-71 I laid her down, “Goodnight, Ava.” She gave me a big grin and stuck her thumb in her mouth as she laid back. I guess she didn’t feel like talking much tonight. I didn’t blame here. Screenshot-82 I cleared the dinner dishes and loaded them in the sink. I was simultaneously keeping an eye on Penelope out in the garden. I worried about her every now and then, like any sister would. I worried that I would be left to care for the twins and possibly triplets. I also worried that she was working too hard and the triplets might come early. Needless to say, I’m a worrier. Screenshot-85 Penelope interrupted my musings by giving me a big hug, just like when I told her I was pregnant. “I am so proud of you., Lauren.” She said as she put her hands on my shoulders. I ducked my head shyly, unsure of what to do with this unexpected compliment.Screenshot-83 Suddenly, she put her hands on my stomach. “You’ve got a little bump coming in now, huh?” I nodded again and giggled, “That tickles a little.”Screenshot-84 She smiled at me and I nodded toward her stomach, “May I?” She laughed, “Laur, you don’t need to ask my permission. Just go for it.” Gently I pressed my hands to her stomach. I wasn’t sure how much pressure to use but it became easier, the longer I held my hands there. After a few moments Penny yawned, “I..think I’m going hit the hay.” I nodded, “I’m just gonna finish up these dishes and then I’ll join you. Screenshot-76 As soon as Penny left the room my phone began to buzz. I answered but the line was all crackly, “Hello?……Hello?”


“Yes, this is she.”

and just like that, the line cleared up and I could hear every word.

“Great! This is Wendy from Channel 5 Reality News. We would like to offer you a job.”

Screenshot-75 I dropped my phone in excitement and scrambled to pick it up again, “Um.. yes..I accept. Wait, how did you get my number?”

“Your brother works with my husband down in the police department. He said, you’d be a good hire.”

I silently thanked Kyle before listening to Wendy explain the job description.

Screenshot-86 After I hung up, I jumped into bed with Penny(It was awfully chilly outside, so we were sharing a bed to conserve heat). “Pen,” I whispered as I shook her awake. “Hmm..Whaaa?” Then before I could even say anything she sat straight up, “Is it the baby? Are you okay?”  I laughed, “Guess what! I got a job!A good job with benefits and everything! Wendy from Channel 5 needs a personal assistant in the afternoons, its full time pay and everything. we’re gonna be okay!” She gave me a big hug and said, “It’s not on you to support this family y’know?” I nodded,”But what if I want to?” She hugged me again and we both laid down our head and talked until we both fell asleep. Screenshot-88 My new job made my life seem busier. So, before I knew it I was in my last trimester! One day after school, I had a rare day off from work.I was waiting for the bus to come when I heard the unmistakable shrill of the school’s most popular mean girl from around the corner. “Oooh, look at what Hannah, is wearing? Didn’t you hear? Stripes aren’t meant to be worn if you’re fat!” I could hear laughter coming from around her posse, I assumed. I had heard enough. I marched around the corner, and sure enough, there was Tiffany Worthington. “Leave her alone, Tiffany.” She sneered at me, “Come on, girls, let’s leave the two fatties to themselves.” Screenshot-89 I walked up tentatively to the other girl. “Hey, are you okay?” She looks at me and wipes her eyes, “*sniffs* yeah. I’ll be alright. Thanks for coming to my rescue.” Screenshot-90 Before I know what’s happening, she pulls me into a warm friendly hug, just like Penny does. I laugh and say, “I’m Lauren,” She smiles, “I’m Hannah.” Screenshot-91 We hang around school and talk about everything, from  what classes we have, to our mutual dislike of Tiffany. “So how long have you lived in Bridgeport?” I asked. She laughs, “We moved here last month but it’s hard being the new fat girl y’know?.” Screenshot-92 I chuckled and gesture to my ever-growing stomach, “I don’t think I’m in the position to judge.” She nods understandingly and we spend the next hour discussing my pregnancy.  Screenshot-94 She holds out her hand, “May I?” I nodded encouragingly, and her hands touch my belly. As soon as she touches me, baby girl foes wild, kicking and punching and moving. Screenshot-95 She looks up into my eyes, “Is she always so wiggly?” I shake my head, “This is the most she has moved in a while. She kicks and shifts but never this much.” We laugh and I swear, she is semi flirting with me, but I can never tell. I am too happy with this brand new friendship, that I don’t want to spoil it by making it awkward. Screenshot-99We spend the next few weeks, while I was growing more and more pregnant and uncomfortable, cruising around town, and just hanging out. I have definitely found a new friend.

Chapter 14

ATITLEPAGE  A.N~ Hi, y’all. This Chapter is a bit more wordier than I anticipated, so bear with me, the next chapter is filled to the brim with pictures!

Penelope’s P.O.V.

Screenshot-52  I walked in the door to our room, and my nose immediately was hit by the heavy smell of alcohol. I had to leave as quickly as I entered before I lost my lunch. I had just gotten back from the park with Lauren and the twins. My head was still trying to wrap around the fact that my sister was going to be a mom. I held my breath before entering the room again, surprise!………not. It was Kyle. He was sleeping off an evening at the bar doing God knows what. I rolled my eyes and gathered my things to sleep on the couch. There was no way I could make it through the night with him smelling like that. Before I left, I nudged his shoulder, “Kyle, honey.” He opened his eyes and shut them, “Whaaaaa…wuzzz wrong?” I nodded sympathetically, “Don’t forget. Tomorrow, we have a doctor’s appointment.” He nodded and his eyes rolled back and he was gone.

~Lauren’s P.O.V.~

Screenshot-47 I was so nervous when I woke up. For some reason, I have always had this sense of uneasiness when I go to the doctor’s. But this time I can’t help but also be excited. So later that morning when it’s just me on the bed/table in a gown, I am working myself into a frenzy. The doctor chooses this moment to walk in. She nods at me, “Hello, I am Dr. Juniper. Before we begin, do you have any questions?” I shake my head and keep my eyes down. She places her hand over mine. “Having a baby is a very exciting thing. There is no need to be ashamed.” I relax a little as she says, “All right then, let’s take a looksie. Did you want to know the gender today?” My eyes widen. I hadn’t even considered that. I nod tentatively. She pulls up my gown to reveal my slightly round belly. The goo she puts on it freezing and immediately I shiver. She puts the ultrasound on it and Immediately a little blob comes on. “Congratulations, it’s a girl”Screenshot-53  After she is done with me., I run out into the waiting room, not even bothering to change out of my gown. “Penny! Guess what! It’s a girl!! I’m having a girl!” With that said, I scooped up Connor and did a little happy dance with him. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. I was going to have a daughter. The doctor came back out but this time she called Penny’s name. She looked around indecisively and I knew she was waiting for Kyle but he was nowhere to be found.

~Penelope’s P.O.V.~

Screenshot-54  I fidgeted nervously while the doctor tried to get a good view of my uterus. I half hoped it was twins, but I half hoped it was sa single baby. I wasn’t sure I was ready financially, or emotionally to deal with two more kids. The good doctor interrupted my musings by exclaiming, “Aha! Here they are.” I gulped, “They?” The doctor nodded, “You can see baby A here,” and she pointed to the screen. 
StoryPic“Baby B is here along your upper part of the uterus and last but certainly not least is baby C riiiight here.” I sat up quickly, too quickly, and said, “Baby C? There are three babies inside me? I. Wha-but how? I though you said it might be twins!” The doctor nodded, it was twins but one of the eggs has split, so it’ll be a pair of twins and an egg. Do you want to know the genders?” I shook my head ever so slightly. “I..I think I need to go home…now.” She nodded understandingly. 
Screenshot-58  I rode home silently in the car, not saying a word to Lauren. I think she could tell by my face that something was off, but she never said a word. I stormed inside to confront my husband, only to find in the same position I had left him last night. “Kyle!” I roared. He sat up straight and held his hands over his eyes. “What! I am trying to fight a headache here.” he snapped. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you would want to know how the doctor’s appointment that you missed went.” Screenshot-59  He scooted closer to edge of the bed where I was standing. He tried to hold me but I was still too stressed for that. He looked at my stomach, “So? Is it twins?” I snorted, “Yeah, twins plus one.” He looked up at me and then back at my stomach. If I wasn’t so angry I would’ve been laughing.  Screenshot-60  I tried to calm down, but the minute I tried to speak, Kyle was headed towards the door. “Kyle! Where are you going?” He stopped for a minute and looked back at me. “I’m sorry Pen, I love you. I really do, but I can’t be a father to five children. I’m only 22. I’m sorry.” And just like that, he was gone.

~Lauren’s P.O.V.~

Screenshot-61  I heard their argument through the paper thin walls of this house. I tried to distract myself, but it was no use. No wonder Penny was upset in the car, now there were going three other babies here besides mine. I tried to stop the tears but I just couldn’t. Behind me the door opened and Kyle was walking through it. “Wait, Kyle! Wait!” But he just stormed past me. His looks growing darker with every step. ” Kyle. Please, talk to me.” He stopped in front of the front door, “I can’t do this anymore, Lauren. I just can’t.” I watched him climb in the only car we owned and drive away.  Screenshot-62  I realized from this point on it was going to be just me and Penny. I needed to do as much as possible to help out. I started really buckling down on homework.   Screenshot-57 In the days after Kyle left, Penny became more and more ghost-like. She wouldn’t eat unless I put food in front of her. She hardly showered anymore. She barely looked at the twins. After the first week, I had had enough. “Penny,” I said through the tears, “I need you to come back. You need to be here for your family. Not just physically but emotionally. Smile at the twins, eat your dinner, do something! Wallowing will get you nowhere!” I had shouted this last part. Her eyes got big and they watered up, but she hugged me anyway. “Thanks, Lauren.” she whispered, “I needed that.”

Chapter 13


**A.N.** I am sorry for the unexpected delay with this chapter, for those that don’t know, I am 5 months pregnant. I had some recent health issues that seemed to be resolved for now, but I am on bed rest, so chapters from here on out will be sporadic. Thanks and Enjoy the chapter!!!!

Lauren’s POVScreenshot-37 It was getting harder and harder to hide the evidence of the little life inside of me. I decided I was going to tell Penny soon. In fact, as I was mulling over when exactly, she invited me to an evening in the park with her and the twins. Kyle was out on a call or something.  Screenshot-42  Anyways, we got there just after the sun set. I bit my lip nervously and I couldn’t look her in the eyes. “Lauren? What’s going on?” I giggled nervously before whispering, “I’m having a baby.” Screenshot-46 She looks at me and her eyes grow bigger as she is taking it in. I hang my head, I haven’t felt ashamed until now. I sigh dramatically, “I’m sorry, Penny. Even though I planned it, I wasn’t thinking straight.”

Screenshot-39 Her eyes go from incredulous to completely and utterly furious, “You PLANNED this baby? What were you thinking? You can’t take care of a baby! You can hardly take care of yourself! How did this happen!!! I mean…I know how this happened…but aren’t you……..I mean…doesn’t it……-” I cut her off, “I’m still gay if that’s what you’re wondering.”

Screenshot-45 She nods and I can tell she’s waiting for an explanation, “You wouldn’t understand. You’ve got Kyle and the twins and you’re all a happy family. I’m like the fifth wheel. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you first. Again, you wouldn’t have understood. You lost Mom and Dad with me almost 9 years ago, but you don’t know what it’s like to lose your family, twice. I’m just waiting for the day when you and Kyle decide that that ol’ house isn’t big enough for the five, errr, 6 of us.” Screenshot-38 Before I could utter another word, Penny grabbed me and gave me a huge hug. We were both crying, and that’s when I heard her say, “Well, at least we’ll be pregnant together.” I gasp and then we hug each other again. Pen picks up Ava and says, “Come to think of it, I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, I’m sure you can tag along.” I grinned and nodded in excitement. Somehow, I know things will work out for us.

Kyle’s P.O.V.

~It was an average day at work, you know, busting teens for skipping school, picking up the town drunks. All of that changed when we received a call from our undercover guys working the gangs. Apparently there was a big drug exchange going down today.

Screenshot-25 A half hour or so later, I found myself in front of the warehouse, ready to go. This was my first raid, and I was trying to keep my knees from knocking together.  The guy we had undercover, Clint, approaches. “You understand the plan?” he asks. I nod slightly, “We pound on the door and yell ‘Police!’ right?” He laughs at me and says, “Your first raid huh?” I nod sheepishly.Screenshot-23 He puts his hand on my shoulder ans says, “Here’s what we’ll do. You’ll cover the front door and I will be your back up. Upon entrance, you will present ther search warrant and arrest the guys. Screenshot-24 Before we move in, the garage door opens and before our very eyes is a young woman, who may or may not have been  a prostitute, who was shot and is now dead. We radio in for more back up and check the girl to make sure she is really  dead. Screenshot-27 We sdcan the perimeter and head back to the front door. Since we saw the girl, I do not have to announce my presence, instead I position myself in front of the door while Clint is off to the side. Screenshot-29 On three I kick open the door and yell, “Freeze!” Before me are two rival gang leaders. They have obviously been in a scuffle, and now one is being held at gun point. I hold up my gun and aim at the man with the gun. I yell in most menacing voice, “Drop your weapon! Put it on the ground!”Screenshot-28  The guys looked at me but refused to lower his gun, “You don’t understand, dawg. This piece o’ trash went and killed my baby sister!” I can’t let him live with that. You don’t understand.” By now, the man is hysterical and big tears are running down his cheeks. He turns to me with the gun still raised. Before I can even think, the thunder of a gunshot fills the room. Screenshot-30  It takes me several seconds to realize that it was my gun. I cry out but Clint tries to hold me back, “It’s okay, Kyle. You were just following protocol.” I shake my head as the weight of what I have just done sinks in. I kneel beside the man, he is barely alive each breath coming in shallow and weak. “What”s your name?” I whisper. He looks up at me and says,” Ja….son.”Screenshot-31  And with that, he went limp in my arms. I hugged him tighter, a sobbing mess. I was beginning to seriously doubt my ability as a police officer. I laid Jason down gently and stood up. Clint clapped me on the shoulder, “The first one is always the toughest. C’mon, let’s go to a bar and help you forget.” I nodded and couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something else to do today.Screenshot-32  An hour later, Clint had dropped me off at the bar. He handed me cash and said to “enjoy myself” as if I could do that after what happened. For my first round of drinks I sat sullenly on the corner. Not speaking or saying a word. Screenshot-33  By the time the second round came, I had made fast friends with the bartender, Steve, or was it David? I chugged the last one down, hoping it would erase the guilt and the pain. I swallowed hard around the bile thate was building up in the back of my throat.Screenshot-34I decided to order a third round of drinks and then I’d call it a night, although I’m not really sure how I’m going to get home.

Chapter 12 part 2


Penelope’s P.O.V.Screenshot

It’s been three months since that awful night. Kyle was able to get a transfer to the Bridgeport police and we used the last of the inheritance from my Grandmother to put a down payment on a little house on the outskirts of town. It was far from fancy but we could definitely upgrade it as our family changed and grew. Screenshot-2  The living room and the kitchen are one big room, we don’t have enough room for a playroom, so the twins’ toys get to stay out here.Screenshot-3

The kitchen is a little worn down but we should get a few more years out of it before we need to remodel. We had passed a yard sale on the way over and grabbed this picnic table for a steal. Screenshot-4

We also snagged a twin bed for a reasonable price, which was put into Lauren’s room. Screenshot-5 We shared a room with the twins, and that was all there was in this room. Lord knows what we are going to do as the twins grow bigger.

Screenshot-6I was worried about Lauren quite a bit these days. It seemed the only time she ever smile was when the twins were around. Who, by the way, were growing like a weed.

Screenshot-16To save money, I started a garden in the back yard. Hopefully, it will help us cut our grocery bill in half. I found out last week that Kyle and I are expecting a baby. We have a follow up in a couple of weeks, because there was the possibility that it might be twins again. I am so scared and excited about it, I plan on telling Lauren soon but I’m not sure how she’ll react.

Lauren’s P.O.V.


I know my sister thinks I am depressed, and you know? She is probably right. I mean, who wouldn’t be depressed if she lost her parents….not once….but twice. What she doesn’t know is that i am harboring the biggest secret I have ever kept.


As I am changing into my pajamas and getting ready for bed, that familiar funny feeling hits me and before I can contain it, I make a run for the bathroom. I lurch and seize up with every wave of nausea.

Screenshot-14When I am finished I stand up and wiped my brow. If you haven’t guessed by now, I am pregnant. 12 weeks and 1 day to be exact. I am lucky I am not showing yet, because I don’t know how I’ll tell Penelope.
Screenshot-15You’re probably wondering, How can she be pregnant? Isn’t she a lesbian? The answer to that is yes, I’m still a lesbian. It’s not something I can change overnight. And no, I am not some idiot teenager who had an unplanned pregnancy. This pregnancy was 100% planned. I might be crazy, but I know that once I have to leave Penny and Kyle’s house, I will also be crazy lonely. So this way I will have someone to care for, for at least the next 18 years. I’m not dumb, I know the responsibilities. Heck, I half raised Ava and Connor.
Screenshot-22 Anyways I told the father yesterday. He was just some punk I met at a school dance two months ago. I told him he could be as involved in this baby’s life as he wanted to. Screenshot-17 He just stared at me awkwardly for a few seconds before mumbling, “It’s probably not even mine,” and just like that, he was gone.
Screenshot-21So now, I am working on finishing school early to get my GED so I can stay home during school hours to care for the baby once it comes. I am hoping that I can be half as nice as the mother I remember in my dreams.